Aimee qualified as an occupational therapist in 2009 and has since specialised in the field of adult physical disability. Her clinical experience includes dementia, chronic respiratory conditions, chronic cardiac conditions, rheumatology, trauma and orthopaedics, cancer, diabetes and various neurological conditions. In 2016, Aimee begun working as an independent occupational therapist. Her independent practice has given her the opportunity to support clients following traumatic injuries including orthopaedic injuries and traumatic brain injuries. She uses goal setting to enable clients to be as independent as possible and works closely with clients, carers and family members to offer her expertise and deliver the best possible outcomes.

Following thorough assessment, Aimee makes recommendations to reduce physical barriers and maximise her client’s independence and safety. Within her clinical practice, Aimee has gained significant experience in social care assessment, advising various local authorities on the implementation of care packages for clients living in the community, including direct payments, home care packages, day care, sitting services and long-term care including residential or nursing home placements. She has extensive experience in housing, equipment and adaptations, and has worked for two large housing associations to ensure best use of housing stock. Aimee has gained skills in delivering specific programmes including fatigue management, vocational rehabilitation, pain management and bespoke specialist rehabilitation.